Sybase ASE

Connection Details


Enter the hostname or IP address of the Sybase ASE server you're connecting to. It should be reachable from the network your application is running on.


The default port for Sybase ASE is 5000. Enter the port number if it differs from the default.


The sa (System Administrator) username is used by default for Sybase ASE connections. Replace it with another username if necessary.


The password associated with your Snowflake username.


Enter the name of the Sybase ASE database you wish to connect to. This can often be selected from a list if the connection details above are correct and the database is accessible.

Not encrypted/Encrypted

Choose whether the connection should be encrypted. If your server supports encryption, it is recommended to use it for enhanced security.

Include views as tables

If checked, the database views will also be available as tables for querying.

Last updated