
Omni Loader can be invoked as a console application to execute a job and return. This is very useful for automated migrations and migrations as part of CI/CD workflows.

Omni Loader console arguments

--job {path-to-json-file}

A JSON job specification to use. A typical example would be:

OmniLoader.exe --job c:\jobs\sql2synapse.json


Run Omni Loader in a distributed cluster mode. Omni Loader becomes a cluster orchestrator and awaits for agents to connect to it.

--urls {http(s)://ip-range:port}

Listen for incoming connections. A typical example would be:

OmniLoader.exe --urls

--listen-at {http(s)://ip:port}

In cluster mode, this is a public orchestrator IP:port combination that will be sent to agents when they connect. Agents will send data to the API on specified port.

OmniLoader.exe --cluster --urls --listen-at

--activate {activation code}

In console mode and CI/CD workflows, you can activate Omni Loader even without firing up the GUI.

OmniLoader.exe --job c:\jobs\sql2synapse.json --activate 12345-6789-0000

Agent console arguments

--connectivity {source|target|both}

Locality information for specific agent, defaults to "both". In a cluster, we can have certain agents close to source databases (typically, on premises), and other agents close to the target database (typically, on the cloud).


For hashed replication, a single source agent should be marked as primary. This agent caches hashes for the source databases and determines delta to be pushed over the wire to the target.

--urls {http(s)://ip-range:port}

Listen for incoming connections, used to receive hashes from other source agents. Only needed for a primary source agent. A typical example would be:

OmniLoader.Agent.exe --primary --connectivity source --urls --listen-at

--listen-at {http(s)://ip:port}

In cluster mode, this is a public agent IP:port combination that will be sent to all agents as they connect. Only needed for a primary source agent. Agents will send source hashing data to the API on specified port.

‍OmniLoader.Agent.exe --primary --connectivity source --urls --listen-at

--name {name}

User-friendly agent name to display in the orchestrator GUI


Orchestrator public IP:port. An example:


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