DB2 iSeries

Connection Details


Input the hostname or IP address of the system where the DB2 iSeries database is hosted.


Enter the TCP/IP port number that the DB2 iSeries database listens on. The default port is often 8471 for non-encrypted connections and 9471 for encrypted connections, but it's crucial to verify the correct port for your setup.


Provide the username with sufficient privileges to access the desired database on the DB2 iSeries server.


Enter the password corresponding to the username provided.


Type in the name of the specific database on the DB2 iSeries server you wish to connect to for data migration.


Choose between Not encrypted and Encrypted to indicate if the connection should be secured with SSL. Selecting Encrypted is recommended for production environments to ensure data security.

Ensure that the users have the correct permissions to access the database and that the server information is accurate to prevent connection issues. Remind users to handle credentials securely and to use encryption whenever sensitive data is being transferred.

Last updated