
Connection Details


The hostname or IP address of the Oracle database server.


The TCP port on which the Oracle database listens. The default port for Oracle is typically 1521.


The account username used for authentication. This can be quoted for case sensitivity.


  • Normal Standard database access.

  • SysDBA Administrative access for performing high-level administrative functions.

  • SysOPER Administrative access for performing basic operational tasks.

SID/Service Name

The Oracle System Identifier (SID) that uniquely identifies the instance or the service name for the Oracle database.

Wallet Location

Directory path to the client wallet for secure connections.

Users to Include

List specific users to include, separated by commas, if you want to limit the scope of the session.


Toggle to indicate if the connection should be encrypted for security.

Include views as tables

Check this option if you want to treat database views as tables for the migration process. This allows for the inclusion of views in the data migration or transformation steps.

Last updated